Monthly Archives: June 2018

Prepare a Purple Picnic to help bring back smiles to bereaved children in Norfolk
Nelson’s Journey is a Norwich based charity which has the aim of enabling ‘every bereaved child in Norfolk to...
Dementia risk now included as part of NHS Health Check
Healthcare professionals in GP surgeries and the community will soon give advice on dementia risk to patients as part...
SAIF Full Member in Gillingham
SAIF has received an application from a funeral director in Gillingham, Kent. Please log onto the members area and...

New training course from IFD College on Child Funerals
Child funerals are among the most difficult and traumatic of events. They challenge everyone involved, from the families of...
Need a Health & Safety Update? Join SAIF’s Members Webinar on 27th June
We all know the importance of staying up to date with current health and safety regulations. Through SAIFinsight, regional...
SAIF Full Member applicant in East Kilbride and Associate applicant in London
SAIF has received a full member application from a funeral director based in East Kilbride and an associate application...

SAIF Member views needed for government funeral profession investigations
The government is currently running two consultations which affect SAIF Members and your views are sought: Competition within the...

Supporting those bereaved by suicide – resources available for SAIF Members
SAIF thanks Sarah Bates of The Support After Suicide Partnership for her recent webinar for members. Attendees found the...
SAIF New Full Member in Minehead
SAIF has received an application from a funeral director in Minehead Please log onto the members area and visit...

How does dementia affect a person? This Dementia Friends video helps explain.
As part of our strategic partnership with Alzheimer’s Society, SAIF is pleased to share this film, in which a...
SAIF New Full Member in Shaw
SAIF has received an application from a funeral director in Shaw, Gt. Manchester Please log onto the members area...
Death Certification update from the government
The government recently published its response to the Death Certification Reform and Medical Examiner consultation held in 2016. A copy...
Webinar training from HMRC
Find out about the end-of-year expenses and benefits form P11D, employee travel expenses and taking on your first employee,...

Beat the Monday morning blues – book your SAIF Family Fun Day Tickets for 14th July
It’s Monday morning and you need something to look forward to – how about a party in a cavern?...
Confused about Health & Safety? Join SAIF’s Webinar on 27th June
We all know the importance of staying up to date with current health and safety regulations. Through SAIFinsight, regional...
SAIF New member, Dulverton & Probationary Member, Teigmmouth
SAIF has received an application from a funeral director in Dulverton, Somerset and a probationary member in Teignmouth, Devon...
Apathy is not an option
This week the CMA (Competition Markets Authority, formerly the OFT which would be familiar to everyone) has launched an...
SAIF New Member – Cheadle
SAIF has received an application from a funeral director in Cheadle, Staffordshire. Please log onto the members area and...

SAIF at the forefront of advocating for funeral directors with the government
Following the announcement on June 1st, SAIF met with HM Treasury (HMT), the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Competition...

SAIFCare telephone lines and internet now working
Please be advised that SAIFCare telephone lines and internet are now up and running again. Thank you for your...

Invitation to Scottish SAIF Members from Tayside Council regarding public assistance funerals
Paul Stevenson, SAIF Scotland President has forwarded SAIF this invitation to an Engagement Event which will allow the opportunity...

SAIF Members: remember Dementia Friends’ Cupcake Day on 14th June
This is how you can help Dementia Friends by hosting a cupcake day: Sign up to host a Cupcake...
SAIF New Member Scotland
SAIF has received an application from a funeral director with branches in Rosyth, Fife and Kirkcaldy. Please log onto...
SAIFCare – Temporarily Out of Action
We have been informed that due to a technical issue, both the internet and landlines are down so SAIFCare...
SAIF’s Paul Allcock in media coverage
SAIF’s Paul Allcock welcomed the government’s investigation into the funeral profession in comments to the East Anglia Daily Times...

Scottish Government consultation on funeral expense assistance
Scottish SAIF Government Liaison Office, Jim Brodie, has advised Scottish members that the Scottish Government Consultation on Funeral Expense Assistance Regulations...
SAIF New Members in Enfield,Stalybridge & Newport
SAIF has received an applications from funeral directors based in Enfield, Stalybridge and Newport. Please log onto the members...

Join SAIF’s first Summer Family Fun Day in Derbyshire on 14th July
Live music Hot food Face painting Magicians and a magic show Licenced bars Tombola, games and activities These are...
Response to new reviews into funeral prices and the pre-paid planning market
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and the Treasury have launched separate reviews looking at how much people pay...