Education & training
Being a SAIF member demonstrates to the public that you uphold the highest standards within the industry and having industry recognised qualifications will help you stand out from your competitors.
However, it is important that you regularly keep up to date with training and the latest developments. So, whether you’ve got a whole day free or 30 minutes for a quick catch up on a specific topic, we’ve got something for you.
- In 2024 we’re planning an Education Day in Leicester, plus a range of regional events around the country. Check our Events listing for details.
- In our webinar sessions, we focus on a specific topic with an external speaker. Check our Events listing for details.
- Delve into our archive of recorded webinars for information on topics ranging from helping people bereaved through suicide to ensuring your business is compliant with consumer vulnerability requirements.
- Training is available at discounted rates for members by the IFD College.
The Independent Funeral Directors (IFD) College is accredited by AIM.