Preparing ahead
It’s never too soon to start thinking about and making plans for your own funeral. This may be simply discussing with members of your family and recording your preferences or you may wish to put in place more formal arrangements with the help of a funeral director.
You should consider the likely cost of your funeral and think about setting up a pre-paid funeral plan – click here for more information.
You can also record your funeral wishes for your loved ones by downloading our free ‘Five things to do before you die‘ booklet here.
SAIF recommends putting in writing your preferences for a funeral and ensuring your relatives or next of kin know. Key decisions to be considered include:
- Whether you wish to be cremated or buried
- What type of coffin and, if cremated, casket
- What style of funeral you would like – traditional or ‘alternative’; religious or not
- Choice of music and hymns, prayers and poems, flowers and candles, charity for any donations
- Would you like a small family funeral and a separate memorial service
- What sort of wake or social get together you think would be appropriate
There are further considerations too that you may wish to think about such as:
- Making a will and granting a probate
- How you wish to be looked after in your final days
- Where you would like to die
- Whether your organs are to be donated
Your local SAIF funeral director is able to safely and securely file these details on your behalf. Find a SAIF member near you here.