SAIF supports members in fuel supply crisis

04/10/2021   //   No Comments

SAIF attended a meeting with the Cabinet Office on Thursday 30th September following submissions in which we argued for funeral directors to be considered for special access to fuel supplies. This was amid concerns that some services such as coroner’s contract removals could be disrupted.

At this stage, according to the Government, with supplies easing it is unlikely frontline workers will be given special treatment. However, SAIF recommends members contact their Local Resilience Forum or MP if they have concerns about funerals being affected by fuel shortages for ambulances, hearses and limousines.

SAIF is also liaising with the Petrol Retailers’ Association on possible contingency plans and will issue advice when further information becomes available. We will continue to monitor the fuel situation and encourage members to contact the SAIF Business Centre via if they are facing challenges relating to petrol and diesel supplies. 

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