Message from SAIF Executive
19/03/2020 // No Comments
As newly-elected President of SAIF, I and my fellow officers, Jo Parker and Mark Horton, wanted to offer our support and good wishes at this difficult time.
Our team of officers, guided by our fantastic Chief Executive Terry Tennens, is working round-the-clock to ensure that the latest advice from Government and other stakeholders is shared with you in a timely fashion.
Our team of officers, guided by our fantastic Chief Executive
Terry Tennens, is working round-the-clock to ensure that the latest advice from
Government and other stakeholders is shared with you in a timely fashion.
In addition to practical information, I would like to remind you
of SAIF Support, our free member-benefit counselling service which exists to
help you and your staff when faced with mental health challenges.
Please, don’t be afraid to use it – the service is completely
confidential and might just save a life in the coming months.
Above all, we are here for you.
Many funeral directors face some dark days ahead. But never forget
why you do what you do.
Your work is vital and makes a huge and measurable difference. Be
proud of who you are, remember what you have achieved and let’s demonstrate to
society why independent, family-run firms are the best in the profession.
Mark Porteous, National President, SAIF
We continue to monitor the situation closely. Please reach meet your Local Resilience
Officer as a point of urgent action and ensure your funeral home is included in
the local action plan.
Check the members area for daily updates. Remember to login to the Members’ area before using the link. If you have problems logging in, please contact SAIF on 0345 230 6777.