Webinar: How to make the most of online pricing with Ciaran O’Toole of Golden Charter from 5/11/20
Event Date: 31st December 2026We continue to support SAIF Members to move online with a webinar presented by Ciarán O’Toole of Golden Charter.
More than 1,600 independent funeral directors are already benefitting from listing on localfuneral.co.uk, a free to use website created by Golden Charter, designed to connect you directly with families at need searching for a funeral director online.
In this webinar session, Ciarán O’Toole, Director of Product & Innovation, shares the current success metrics of the website and discuss some exciting planned new features. The session covers:
– Why connecting with families online is important
– How localfuneral.co.uk connects families with FDs and success metrics
– Helping funeral directors align with the SAIF Code of Practice
– The next steps for localfuneral.co.uk and key benefits
– Opportunity for Q&A
This webinar was held on 5th November. To watch the recording or view the PowerPoint slides: